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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


MetalShips leads the off-shore market when it builds the biggest vessel of the world.

In the "North Sea Giant", of 153.6 meters long 140 millions have been invested in, Metalships & Docks has just joint to the world off-shore shipbuilding elite, composed only by other three shipyards. The company presided by Manuel Rodríguez, owner of the Rodman group, will deliver next Friday to the Norwegian ship-owner Northshipping the biggest multipurpose and supporting for oil platforms vessel in the world.
The "North Sea Giant" dimensions are spectacular regarding its kind operative vessels. In its 153.60 meters long, 30 meters wide, 10.70 height and 7.50 of maximum draft, it incorporates the most advanced technology to operate supporting the platforms that extract crude.
The Norwegian ship-owner investment in this unit is more than 140 millions Euros that would be profitable with a barrel prize around 80 dollars (nowadays it is around 120).
The Metal Ships manager, Alberto Iglesias, indicates that the crude rising prices is a good new for the shipyards from Vigo specialized in off-shore and seismic vessels. "While the oil prize is at these levels we will have a never-ending market" explains Iglesias.
In the elite
Metalships has been introduced in the world elite of this kind of constructions "where all the ship-owners know what the competitors do and where new vessels are built. We are in this market in the first position because only other three shipyards can build vessels as the "North Giant". No vessel of these characteristics is built in the world that we are not conscious of", says the MetalShips manager.
The shipyard from Rios is beginning the construction of another 133 meters long off-shore for the ship-owner McDermott (Houston) and it has just signed another one for the French Tecnip which will be 135 meters long and cost 107 millions. The new constructions workload is guaranteed until December 2012.
The shipyard's shipbuilding and ship repair departments - that have the two floating dock occupied - employ nowadays the total staff of 95 people plus other 605 from auxiliary companies.
The vessel inside
The "North Sea Giant", apart from being an important tool to operate together with oil platforms, is home to a city with all the services.
This oof-shore vessel has a crew of 17 people, although it can accommodate until 120 in double or single cabins.
In the vessel structure there is the heliport with capacity for 2.8 tones machines as the Sikorsky or the Super Puma, the most used in the people transport between the support vessel, the platform and land.
The operation area that is a big zone in stern has a "swimming pool" by which a bathyscaphe is slide directly to the sea. In the port and starboard sides there are two hatches and control post to manage both autonomous submarines.
In the big platform, that has a 400 squared meters hangar, systems for the launching of telecommunications cables or submarine pipes for gas or oil pipelines can be installed. (Source: FARO DE VIGO)