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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Metalships invests 30m in enlarging the shipyard and its third floating dock.

The Rodman Group acquires 100% of Varaderos Pérez Méndez, providing it with an additional 15,000 metres. Vigo shipyard Metalships & Docks, which belongs to the Rodman Polyships group, has invested a total of "30m enlarging its Rios shipyard. The strengthening of its facilities is on several fronts. On the one hand, the purchase deal for 100% of Varaderos Pérez Méndez S.L. was closed last Tuesday, and on the other, negotiations have taken place to acquire a floating dock, the shipyard's third, of 20,000 tons.
The purchase of Varadero Pérez Méndez is a fundamental part of the Metalships enlargement. The facilities, covering 15,000 square metres, and an administrative concession for 30 years on the marine territory - marine strip - of another 12,000 square metres.
Participating in the sales operation of the Varadero dry dock were Fernando and Arturo Méndez Pérez, with 20% each, and Teodoro Pérez Méndez with 60%. The operation came to 48,001 euros. This price is symbolic as the shipyard bears liabilities of over one million euros.
Varadero Pérez Méndez, now property of Manuel Rodríguez, will continue as a separate company from Metalships & Docks and will have its own board. Until now, their installations have divided the shipyard at Teis in two large areas, but from now on they will be joined and will add 15,000 square metres of surface area.
These facilities have been devoted to repairing vessels of up to 1,500 displaced tons for over 50 years. From now on they will continue with the same activity with the future addition of collaboration with the current Metalships installations.

The 13 workers at Varadero will continue on the payroll of this firm and keep up the same activity they have been carrying out, although from now on they will be under management from the new board.
Manuel Rodríguez, president of the Rodman Polyships group, which owns Metalships & Docks, indicated that the installations at the dry dock were totally neglected. "This is the first case of business Diogenes syndrome I have ever known. 30 lorry loads of debris have already taken away and there is still a lot to do," said Manuel Rodríguez.
New dock
Boosting the naval repairs division of Metalships & Docks also includes the acquisition of a third floating dock and the enlargement of one of those already in service.
The new 20,000-ton lifting capacity Panamax installation is 200 metres long and 37 in beam, which makes it one of the largest in Spain at present. The dock will be acquired from another shipyard for 12 million euros. Furthermore, Metalships & Docks will reconvert one of the current docks in their own shipyard from 8,000 tons to 10,000 tons and also widen the interior beam to 34 metres. The other dock owned by the shipyard is for 5,000 tons.
The fact that we are bolstering the repairs division does not mean that we are abandoning our other activities. We are a multi-function shipyard and that is what we will continue to be. We are backing diversity," pointed out Manuel Rodríguez.
This Vigo shipyard will launch a 133 metre-long offshore vessel in the next few days. The company president is optimistic about new orders after the upsurge in the price of oil to over 85 dollars a barrel, which greatly opens up the field in boat building for the oil industry. (Source: FARO DE VIGO)