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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


MCies build a boat for Denmark of more than 16 millions

The MCies shipyards launched a surveillance fishing boat for the Denmark government, the new general director of the Fishing Ministry, Anders Munk Jensen, as well as one of its future captains, Fleming Hestbeck were present.

With 79,2 meters long and 15 meters breadth, the Intermare, which luncheon was chaired by the Minister Elena Espinosa, has training classroom and laboratories for teaching 48 students at the most. Furthermore, inside 10 teachers and and 15 crewmembers woukd sail, so it can hold up 73 people.
Laudelino Alperi, manager of Armón, emphasized the speed, the easy way of maneuver and the habitable of the Intermare, these are showed on its 16 knots or on its last technology equipment, as well as on its laboratories, classrooms, training pools, library and needed material for the training in the estraction procedures, processing and conservation of sea products. Countries like Ecuador, El Salvador, Perú, Guatemala, Mozambique, Cabo Verde or Morocco which are between the 19 countries with agreementes with Spain, are potential receivers of the Intermare. Named by its builders C-115- the boat will be re-named when arrives to its final destiny in Denmark- This new boat for fishing surveillance had cost 12 million Danish Crown (about 16,1 million euro) and it has 68,10 meters long and 11,20 meters breadth.
The ship is designed to accommodate 12 crewmembers maximum, and it has the needed implementation to realize fishing inspection missions, towing works, missions against fire, rescue tasks, and even environmental protection support. MCies has nowadays an important order book, which includes the construction of two boats for the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, both of 48 meters long. The ending is foreseen for 2009 and 2010; a yacht of 37 meters long and a ferry for Sweden of 50 meters long. (Source: Faro de Vigo)