Total ocuppation in the Galicia's naval sector
The production and work in the Galician naval sector are guaranteed for next the eight years and now it demands skilled labor Galician naval construction already has pulverized the barrier of the 10,000 workers, and goes way of (in contracts civil as the military and adding personal fixed and as much auxiliary of the shipyards) the 11,000, position that is preparing with urgency another big wave of between thousand and 2,000 workers for this year and the next one, with the objective of being able to take care of and rapidity contracts assumed by the naval factories. The necessities of workers will be not only for this biennium, because, according to the most realistic forecasts, the total occupation of this industrial branch could extend until year 2016 in the civil sector; and until the 2014, in the military one. (Source: Aclunaga).