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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026



Presentation of different AIS system. One of first systems AIS in the market is the transponder developed by the Swedish company SAAB Transporter Tech. The system has three main components: GPS, a receiving processo VHFr and, a receiver transmitter that combines the information of the GPS with the own data of the boat, passing them in digital form to the VHF one. This one besides emitting the signal, receives the signal of neighboring ships and shows the data in screen. On the other hand the MX 420 of Leica Geo Systems integrates, in an unique apparatus, the GPS, the GPS differential and the AIS. Besides obtaining a matchless precision, it includes a screen and control center that allows to act over all the functions. It receives the data provided by the compass and the track of the ship, it organizes that information and it emits it by protocol AIS, and it shows the information of the ships that are at its reach.

Another product is AI 3000 of Euronav: it is a receiver of messages AIS of small size and that, connected to a VHF antenna and a PC, allows the visualization of all the ships next and helps to avoid them and to maneuver with them. Available through Medenisa, it is an economic way to enjoy the advantages that the AIS gives as far as prevention of boardings in zones of intense traffic gives.

IMO (International Maritime Organization) approved five years ago the obligatory nature of the AIS in certain ships, but from 2008 it settles down for all the ships that sail both international waters and the rest.