Spanish Defence Industry Cluster celebrates its 5th anniversary

Commemoration event hosted the 2024 Diplomas of Honor Presentation
The Defence Industry Cluster has just celebrated its fifth anniversary. Half a decade of continuous membership increases and distinguished by the intensity of its activity with 16 working groups, one of them is especially active in their objectives, the creation of a defence culture.
The commemoration of this anniversary also hosted the presentation of Honor Diplomas, awarded annually, to publicly recognize those people, companies, institutions, organizations or entities in general that have distinguished themselves by their special collaboration or support for Spanish CID (Defence Industry Cluster) initiatives or for the cause of the Spanish Defence, in its broadest sense and in any of its aspects.
On this occasion, the diplomas were given to the European Commission Vice President, Josep Borrell; the former president of Airbus, Carlos Suárez; General Rubén García Servert; the company Sistemas de Misiles de España (SMS) and its former general director, Fernando Mato. Both Carlos Suárez and General García Servent are members of Spanish CID advisory board, while SMS, a company committed to providing Spain with strategic sovereignty in missile technology for the first time, is one of the cluster's partners.
Spanish CID is a non-profit entity created in 2019, with a national scope and based in Santander (Cantabria) that brings together nearly ninety companies, research and knowledge centres and public and private entities, as well as a dozen collaborating entities, organisations and institutions from all over Spain.