Wind sector welcomes the approval of the new Royal Decree on offshore wind energy as one of the driving forces to achieve the ambitious objectives of new PNIEC

Approval of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2023-2030 update. Achievable objectives for wind power in Spain
Following the approval of the PNIEC, installation objectives for wind power by 2030 of 62 GW are maintained, which include 3 GW of offshore wind power, already included in the draft circulated in 2023. In order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary to accelerate the current pace of processing and installation of wind technology, with a development that is linear, agile and orderly until 2030, and with an approach that takes into consideration the entire value chain located in our country.
The greater electrification of economy at the appropriate pace is the main vector that will make it possible to achieve 2030 emissions reduction objectives and is also necessary to make investments in renewable energies within the current functioning of the European electricity market. Spanish wind sector, with 100% of the value chain located in our country, is a fundamental pillar for economic growth, the creation of qualified employment and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and maintains a firm conviction of playing a leading role in the fulfilment of the PNIEC.
The commitment to the growth of the internal market and the development of new wind power in Spain is essential to ensure the competitiveness of our industry in the global market and contribute significantly to economic, environmental and industrial objectives. Spain needs an ambitious, agile, linear and healthy wind market, and to guarantee a competitive, solid and stable industry.
For the wind sector, it is essential to work on the following 5 lines of action:
1) greater agility, coordination and simplicity in the processing of wind projects;
2) implement incentive mechanisms for electrification to reach electricity demand levels in line with the PNIEC path and resolve the tensions of low prices caused by the imbalance of demand and supply.
3) continue working in the territories for a good coexistence of wind power with society and the environment
4) An evolved design of renewable energy auctions that considers criteria and standards of added value beyond pure price, with quotas by technology and focused on maximizing the decarbonization of the mix.
5) Industrial policy measures application to ensure value chain “made in and by Europe”, the reinforcement of the capacities of Spanish value chain and the monitoring of compliance with international trade rules to avoid anti-competitive practices.
The contribution of wind power to the GDP already amounts to 0.5%, with almost €6,000 million annually, the sector has 40,000 highly qualified jobs, the personnel expenditure of the companies in the sector is one of the highest in the industrial fabric in our country, with figures equivalent to sectors such as telecommunications or the pharmaceutical industry, exports exceed €2,500 annually, placing us in 5th place in the world ranking, and the development of patents continues to be the leader in our country, occupying 6th place worldwide. Approval of the Royal Decree on offshore wind power. A decisive step to start offshore wind power projects in Spain the approval by the Council of Ministers of the Royal Decree regulating the production of electrical energy in facilities located at sea is the milestone that the wind power sector has been waiting for some time to activate the deployment of floating offshore wind power on our coasts.
The wind sector and the industry associated with the deployment of offshore wind power consider it necessary and urgent to continue advancing in the following regulatory steps to have the first auction in 2025 as well as an indicative calendar for the following years. If the objectives of the PNIEC are met, 7,500 new jobs will be created with the installation of the initial 3 GW, contributing more than €2,000 million annually to the national GDP. In Spain, no offshore wind project will be approved that does not comply with each of the required environmental and occupation criteria, respect coexistence with other activities and protect the environment.
All offshore wind projects that are awarded in future auctions will have to obtain a favourable environmental impact statement (EIS). The development of 3 GW of offshore wind in Spain will require less than 0.1% of the surface area of territorial waters. The objectives for the development of offshore wind in Spain are set out in the Offshore Wind and Marine Energy Roadmap and the new Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan 2023-2030. It is set to reach up to 3 GW of offshore wind by 2030. This development, which is orderly, environmentally friendly and compatible with other uses and activities at sea, will generate significant economic activity and create new jobs. The Maritime Space Management Plans (POEM) approved in 2023 include an area corresponding to High Potential Zones for Renewable Energy (ZAPER) with an area of 5,000 square kilometres, that is, only 0.46% of territorial waters. To achieve the total development objectives of offshore wind power by 2030, less than 1,000 km2 will be needed (less than 0.1% of the surface of territorial waters).
Source: Wind Energy Business Association (AEE)