Web platform to promote Shipbuilding Perte co-operation by Navantia and Pymar

To improve project lines visibility where both are involved, opening participation to companies interested to be partners.
Navantia and Pymar have published a new web platform (https://www.pertenavantiapymar.com/ ) aiming to serve as a dynamic instrument for shipbuilding industry agents meeting and other sectors interested in taking part in common projects next call of the Naval PERTE.
After several months of co-work between Navantia and Pymar, this platform aims to give visibility to the lines of projects in which both are working, opening the participation possibility as partners to other entities. Likewise, this new website offers the opportunity to meet and introduce new proposals with high added value of our sector that, in a co-operation environment, make the transformation and modernization possible in cutting-edge, digital and sustainable areas. The joint projects resulting from this initiative will contribute strengthening shipbuilding
Ricardo Domínguez, President of Navantia, has highlighted: "Navantia's driving role, with responsibility and commitment" and therefore has encouraged "the co-operation of all agents in the sector to promote employment, economy and wealth, and maintain industrial sovereignty and promote the energy transition”.
Almudena López del Pozo, CEO of Pymar, stressed that "to get PERTE a transformative effect, it is essential agents that on the sector's value chain work in a co-operative and inclusive manner", asserting "this is its essence and the seed to change sector´s future”.
The shipbuilding PERTE was approved in the Council of Ministers on March 15 and foresees a total investment of 1,460 million Euros, 310 million from public funds. The PERTE regulatory bases Order for the granting of support for integration and transformation acts on the industrial value chain of the shipbuilding sector was published on August 1. This is an opportunity to move forward together towards the challenge of transforming the sector and the entire value chain, through diversification, digitization, improving its environmental sustainability and training its employees.