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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Gondan launched a new fishing stern trawler

This new vessel, designed by Kongsberg Maritime will have a length of 69.9 m and a beam of 16 m.

Gondan launched a new Fishing Stern Trawler Vessel built for the Norwegian shipowner Engenes Fiskeriselskap AS has just taken place. This new vessel, designed by Kongsberg Maritime – in charge also of supplying the main equipment – will have a length of 69.9 m and a beam of 16 m. Built in steel with aluminum superstructure, the stern trawler will operate mainly in Northern Atlantic, Barents Sea and Svalbard waters. With an accommodation for 29 people, the freezing trawler will be operated for heading, gutting and freezing of whole white fish. For this, it will have the most modern and automated fish processing equipment, and a freezing hold capacity of 1400 m3. The vessel will be classified by the DNV and will be Ice class certified.

The global situation generated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has represented a challenge for the company, which has managed to face it with great effort and thanks to careful coordination and implementation of all necessary measures, in accordance with current Government regulations, successfully achieving the fulfillment of its commitments, and moving forward despite the difficulties.