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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Shipyards from Pymar settle in Marca España to reinforce its Brand abroad

National private shipyards are part of Marca España. Pymar, the society that represents the main private shipyards of the country (between them, the eight from Galicia), has joined the distinguished group of brands and organizations that represents the best from Spain to the world.

This selection recognizes the excellence of a sector with a consolidated internaltional prestige, thanks to its latest technology, the quality of its constructions and the high level of professionalism and reliability of its works.
With this recognition the official support for an exporter sector, with more than 90% of its production destined to foreign ship owners, is reinforced. Spanish private shipyards make up a modern and advanced industry, which generates wealth and employment in Spain. The Galician companies Barreras, MetalShips, Armón Vigo, Cardama, Freire, Vulcano, Nodosa y Valiña are part of Pymar.
(Source: Faro de Vigo)