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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Discounts on E-FISHING 2012 registration

The second edition of the International Symposium on Fishing Vessel Efficiency Energy is improving the numbers achieved in its 2010 edition, which gathered more than 100 professionals. According to this aim and to facilitate the access to the congress, the organizers are offering a 46% discount to the professional being registered before the 30th of April.
E-FISHING 2010 was attended by 32 international first level speakers coming from 16 countries (Spain, Russia, Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, United Kingdom, Ireland, Holland, Norway Italy, etc.) The Symposium focused on such fundamental issues for the sector such as hydrodynamics; engines, fuels, additives and gas emissions, or the use of renewable energies in own fishing boats.