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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


NAVALIA participates in a commercial mission to Pernambuco (Brazil)

Next week NAVALIA organizers will participate in a commercial mission organized by the Authority of the Port of Vigo to Pernambuco (Brazil), a mission in which wind energy, fishing and granite sectors will also participate. The aim of the trip is to present the Port of Vigo as the big entrance door to Europe in the Atlantic coast. The visit apart from being an important promotion platform of the exhibition will be used for Galician companies to reach bilateral agreements with other firms of the country. An intense meeting and visiting agenda is foreseen, mainly in the naval sector. In the surroundings of the Port of Suape big investments have been done to build shipyards that needs the knowhow and experience of the naval sector from Vigo, which has a unique opportunity of internationalize itself and to become part of the cluster of auxiliary companies of those big shipyards, taking advantage from the bad moments that maybe will affect the naval sector in a short term. On the other hand, the delegation, leader by the president of the Authority of the Port of Vigo, Mrs. Corina Porro, will maintain meetings with Pernambucos's government, through its secretary of Economy Development.
Furthermore, the collaboration agreement between the Port of Vigo and the Ports of Recife and Suape is foreseen, in which the Secretary and President of the Industrial and Port complex, Mr. Fernando Bezerra Coelho will be present.
Brazil is nowadays one of the most emerging markets that is bearing the international crisis in a best way. According experts, this due to its recovery does not depend on strong economies, as it happens in other countries, because the increase of its internal demand has been very important. The naval construction and repair in the country are two market niches with a lot of potential; therefore Brazil is presented as a big opportunity for Galician Naval companies. Recently NAVALIA's organizers opened one office in Sao Paolo, not only to promote the exhibitions, but also to promote the Spanish Naval sector and to defend its interests.