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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Navalia brings American Government to Vigo to introduce shipbuilding sector

USA Embassy International Trading representative meets in the city with several economic and corporate representatives

Angela Turrín, International Trade Advisor of the USA Embassy in Spain meets in Vigo in order to get to know Galician shipbuilding sector invited by Navalia’s Director. Javier Arnau, the international exhibition Director has organized this visit where Ms Turrín could meet the Shipowners Cooperative, Barreras Shipyard and the Port of Vigo. In Arvi, Javier Touza has highlighted the need of powering even more current good business relations with USA, “as it is the main business partner in Spain outside Europe”, increasing import and export business to the country. Mr Touza has highlighted the fishing boats construction in our shipyards, for example “efficient, technologically advanced and with high standards in terms of maritime security” boats.

At Barreras, biggest private shipyard in Spain, Angela Turrín has met their President, José García Costas and some Executive staff. During the meeting the disconnection between American and European has been revealed, having nevertheless big ties with cruisers construction. At the end, the international representative could get to know the jobs currently on going in Barreras, these are, the luxury cruise for the USA chain The Ritz Carlton and two ferries for the Norwegian Havila. After that, Ms Turrín has met Dolores Roiz, export Manager at the Port of Vigo where she got to know deeply port security issues, especially regarding to American flag cruisers control. Finally, the foreign trade responsible has met Aclunaga (Galician Shipbuilding Cluster Association), Abanca (financial institution has just opened a branch in Miami) and other corporate representatives.

It is the first time the Foreign Trading representative visits Galicia. “We wish Navalia 2020 will have a great USA pavilion, we’ve been working longer than six months with its embassy in Madrid in order to get the country presence at the eight edition” explains Mr Arnau. From the event Management understands American market offers many possibilities to Galician companies and this type of previous meetings “become pretty positive to get ready Navalia 2020 edition, where we expect to receive a wide representation of companies from this country”. On this way, it should be pointed out that after the meeting kept by Javier Arnau with Julie Balzano, the Marine Manufacture National Association of USA with Head Quarters in Miami and with Beacon Council representatives from Miami Dade, compromised to stablish co-operation agreements to help Galician companies to enter into the American market.