Nodosa launches the second big Galician trawler built in the last 13 years
Argos Cíes, for Armadora Pereira, is in the water since yesterday and enters the armament phase
Nodosa shipyard launched yesterday afternoon the freezer trawler Argos Cíes, the second one built for a Galician shipowner in the last 13 years since the delivery of Monteferro last year and Playa Pesmar and Río Cavil in 2005.
The 74 metres long vessel was ordered in 2016 by Jupiter Fishing Company Ltd, participated by Armadora Pereira from Vigo and Argos Group Limited. The vessel will capture squid in Malvinas and is expected to be delivered in September.
Nodosa will continue its construction on the dock (armament phase) while they finalize the construction of the other 8 units: 4 trawlers for the Dutch company Osprey, another for Pesca Baqueiro and two more for the German Kutterfisch, apart from the first factory vessel made for gathering and processing mussels.
(Source: Faro de Vigo)