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19th to 21st of May 2026

Ghenova engineering will implement its Siman software for Red Cross maritime fleet management

  • Sector news

This new system will facilitate a more efficient fleet management, allowing fleet managers to have available detailed information in real time.

Ghenova Group is carrying out the implementation of the fleet management system SIMAN through its company Perama in the Red Cross maritime units. In this way, the operating vessels of this organization will have a more efficient management, unifying all the data related to its preventive and corrective maintenance.

The new system will help ensure the information provided by those in charge of managing the fleet can be consulted immediately from Salvage Control Centres (CCS), thus improving their ability to help and provide care from these vessels. Through the implementation of SIMAN, the Red Cross is once again committed to the efficiency in the management of its resources and places value on the information digitalization with the aim of giving a better response in all the bases where a maritime unit is positioned.

One of the relevant services offered by SIMAN software is to detect spare parts stocks available, as well as their location. It is a very useful tool in the case of very large fleets spread over different parts of the geography. This tool makes it possible to have an available stock real-time inventory in each of the locations, allowing efficient sizing of spare parts acquisition management.

SIMAN is proprietary software with more than 13 years of development, a Perama product that has become a global and comprehensive maintenance system whose main advantage is customization, as well as being adaptable to all types of industries and companies. SIMAN manages assets efficiently, being able to access and take most of the information contained in the system in real time. This means that maintenance and spare parts stocks are optimized during the operation of mentioned assets. Therefore, this system use increases your business performance and productivity.

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