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19th to 21st of May 2026

8.2 million High waters Patrol boat to be built by Rodman for Customs office

  • Sector news

The boat will measure 42 meters and will be due in 15 months

Tax Agency has awarded Rodman Polyships this week with the construction of their new High waters patrol boat for Customs and Special taxes Department. We are talking about a 42 m-Length boat with a budget of 8.2 million Euro (including taxes). The shipyard from Moaña was the only one applying for the tender launched at the beginning of this year and once it will be signed completion time will be 15 months.

According to the statement, Customs services has nowadays 40 ships, where two of them are destined to special operations, 16 are High waters patrol boats (with an average length of 30m) and other 22 are interceptor boats (between 11 and 17 m-Length). “Several ships have already been repaid and in many cases, upkeep is not worth”, General Logistic Vice-Director informed on the project initial report.

On the same text it is to be remembered that already in 1999-2003 period a renewal of the interceptors was started with Colimbo type and in 2008- 2009 was continued with the Aguila ones. Also, in 2000 the same was done with the High waters patrol boats by building two boats (Gerifalte-1 and Décimo Aniversario), continuing in 2003-2009 with the construction of nine boats Gerifalte type. This renewable process was taken it by Rodman Polyships, so the Tax Office trust once again on the Meira yards specialized on polyester boats strengthened with fiberglass (PRFV).

The new patrol boat activity will be focused on fighting against smuggling in general and, in particular against cocaine smuggling, that enters in Spain by sea coming from the Caribbean and South America.

This award arrive to Rodman after signing the contract of four twin patrol boats for the Galician Cost Guards (two of them already delivered), while they are awaiting to get a greater contract for the Local Government (Xunta de Galicia), that worth 6.5 million and to which they apply on their own as well.

(Source: Faro de Vigo)

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