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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Armon group will build 14 tugs for the Panama Canal Authority

The distribution of the units will be based on the workload of its shipyards of Vigo, Burela, Gijón and Navia Armon Group has just closed a contract with the Port Authority of the Panama Canal for the construction of 14 tugs for a total of 118 million dollars. The ships will enter in service when it is concluded the major step of maritime navigation of the world that will join the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and will allowing the passage of large merchant ships. The shipyard has been determined at the moment the distribution of its workload between the four centers of: Vigo, Burela, Gijón and Navia. Armon Vigo's shipyard is now working on the ships that were unfinished by the difficulties faced by the shipyards M. Cies and Factoria Naval de Marin.
Armon also has advanced the work of three ships in their Galician shipyards located in Vigo and Burela. The Gijón one called -old Juliana Factory- was owned by Vulcan Factories- is the only one that remains inactive. Vigo's shipyard has nearly completed the work of two ships to the Spanish Oceanography Institute and in Burela's one is also advanced the building of a seismographic ship. (FARO DE VIGO)