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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Energylab develops ships with electric and hydrogen engines

Researching how can be used in vessels and they will develop a fishing boat prototype commissioned by the Xunta Ships that incorporates electric motors that replace fossil fuels with hydrogen, with the objective of reducing emissions, sailing silently and keeping their autonomy.
Is one of the new lines of technological advancement that the "Centro tecnológico de Eficiencia y Sostenibilidad Energética, Energylab," located in Citexvi building of Vigo's Campus , is working on. The research team Mario Iglesias and Carlos Gutiérrez leading these projects.
The "Hydrovela" project subscribes to the "plan incite" of the Xunta and tries to develop a hybrid boat (electric and hydrogen), says the researcher Mario Iglesias. That's been proposed by Energylab, who signed an agreement with the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Vigo.
Researchers will carry out a mathematical simulation of the vessel focus on the technical viability of the product.
In a future they will make a project expansion to study it applicability in the practice and they hope that can be develop in Galicia, counting on the volume of vessels that it has and its "Rias".
Nowadays, in France are working in a similar ship and there are several patents in the U.S. and in China, but there isn't still any sailing vessel of its characteristics.
Unlike cars, the battery weight is an advantage in a boat because it is useful for balancing forces. The vessel would not change its appearance keeping the same autonomy as a conventional (40 or sail 50 miles) and reducing emissions, an issue of particular concern to the managers of the "parque nacional Illas Atlanticas", and sailing silently.

A fish boat prototype

Energylab is also working on a second project for the reform of a fishing vessel that consist in replace a conventional engine for a hybrid electric motor (batteries and hydrogen), according to Carlos Gutierrez, but in a more advanced stage, "demo" as the researchers say, because the engine will be built and put into a real Ship.
This project is carried out following the signing of an agreement with the "Dirección Xeral de Industria, Enerxía e Minas de la Xunta de Galicia" it was interested in promoting of technological development relevant to the fishing industry for their depth in Galician "PIB" and oriented toward the efficiency and renewable energies.
From this was born the technical proposal of "Energylab", that is designed for fishing vessels of 12 meters and 5 sleeve, which covers 80% of the Galician fleet registered.
One of the differences with the vessel project is that on this last one will generate itself Electrical energy while the fish boat will be recharged on a harbor. (Fuente: ATLÁNTICO DIARIO)