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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


ACLUNAGA gather in Santiago distinguished researchers from United Kingdom, Portugal and Galicia.

The aim of the meeting, financed by Feder inside Aux-Navalia project, was to promote innovation in Galician naval companies. Distinguished researchers from universities and technological centres from Portugal, United Kingdom and Galicia participated last 26th of January, in Santiago de Compostela, in an international conference organized by ACLUNAGA. In this meeting they try to boost collaboration between business sector and technological centres and universities to favour the transfer of technology, which is a very important aspect to gain in competitiveness.
International conference is within the Aux-Navalia project, which is financed by the European Fund of Regional Development (Feder).
The event was inaugurated by the manager of the Fund for the promotion of Industrial Quality and Technological Development of Galicia and presented by the manager of the Naval Galician Cluster Association (Aclunaga).
Expert participants were selected in collaboration with Aux-Navalia project members, with the aim of identify leader investigator organizations and specialized in Naval sector.
On the Spanish hand the conferences were made by representatives of the Quality Foundation and by ACLUNAGA representing Galician naval sector.
Portugal was represented by Bic Minho and the Asociaçao das Indústrias Marítimas (AIM) and the English collaboration was from Shipbuilders & Shiprepairers Association (SAA) and the University of StrathClyde-Glasgow.
Nine investigators, from the three countries, presented his groups and investigation projects and described services they offer, with the aim of boost the collaboration between technological centres and universities, and naval sector companies. In the afternoon interested companies had the opportunity of meet investigators to define actuation lines that allows them to develop collaboration projects.
Aux-Navalia Project
Aux-Navalia is an International Project financed by the Atlantic European Space Programme which is directed to reinforce the innovation competitiveness of auxiliary industry of the naval sector from different regions from the European Atlantic Area. The conference celebrated in Santiago is within the development of a collaboration plan of the auxiliary industry with sectorial technological centres. (Source: ACLUNAGA)