II Naval meeting in Vigo
Amongst the various activities provided by Aclunaga, the “Second International Conference” will be taking place in Vigo, with the aim of establishing a focal point for debate about the sectors’ position On the previous 15th March ACLUNAGA held at IFEVI-Vigo, the Second Naval Internacional Conference. Within the programme two particular topics were emphasised, and they were on the one hand, ‘Synthesising the ship-builder – comparative European levels and different models of relationships between the shipbuilder and the ancillary industry’ and on the other, ‘The social dialogue.’
Speakers on the first topics were José Francisco González Viñas. Hijos de J. Barreras-Aclunaga, Ramón López Eady | Uninave, Henrik Nordell | AFMI, Association of Finnish Marine Industries, Livio Marchesini | Assonave, Associazione Nazionale dell'Industria Navalmeccanica, Ruud Schouten | VNSI Vereniging Nederlandse Scheepsbouw Industrie, José Luis Cerezo | Gerencia del Sector Naval, Pablo Comesaña | Factoría Naval de Marín. ASIME. Chairperson: José Domínguez
Factorías Vulcano-Aclunaga
Speakers on the second topic were, Fabrice Theobald | CSCN Chambre Syndicale des Constructeurs de Navires, Pedro Lorca | CCOO, José Luís Gacio | UGT, Miguel Anxo Malvido | CIG y Javier Martínez | ASIME
Speakers on the first topics were José Francisco González Viñas. Hijos de J. Barreras-Aclunaga, Ramón López Eady | Uninave, Henrik Nordell | AFMI, Association of Finnish Marine Industries, Livio Marchesini | Assonave, Associazione Nazionale dell'Industria Navalmeccanica, Ruud Schouten | VNSI Vereniging Nederlandse Scheepsbouw Industrie, José Luis Cerezo | Gerencia del Sector Naval, Pablo Comesaña | Factoría Naval de Marín. ASIME. Chairperson: José Domínguez
Factorías Vulcano-Aclunaga
Speakers on the second topic were, Fabrice Theobald | CSCN Chambre Syndicale des Constructeurs de Navires, Pedro Lorca | CCOO, José Luís Gacio | UGT, Miguel Anxo Malvido | CIG y Javier Martínez | ASIME