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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Shipyard Atollvic Morrazo will specialize in mega yachts

Vicalsa will readapt Piñeiros installations in order to start to work in 2007 The new shipyard (Viguesa de Calderería) has bought Shipyard Piñeiro in Moaña. From now on, it will be specialized in the construction of mega yachts up to 50 metres long.
They have been negotiating for six months but there is no information on the total amount of the operation.
One knows that the shipyard has been transferred with debt zero, with the (totality-full group) of the group (near half hundred of employees) and that will from now on take the name of Atollvic Morrazo S.A.U.
The buyers plan to make investments in the old Moaña facilities to adapt the shipyard to the new segment of construction. Up to now it was specialized in fishing ships. Thus, they will readapt the work equipment and they will recycle their workers.
The project of Vicalsa in Moaña not only will make modifications in the shipyard but also will complement the reform with the construction of a small zone of leisure for the owners of the ships.