Galicia Will Have One of the Main Megayacht Shipyards Worldwide
During the forthcoming weeks the purchase of the shipyard Factoría Naval de Marín, in the Pontevedra Ria, will be close. Said shipyard will be used for the production of steel hull luxury yachts The project, financed mostly by Galicians, was promoted by Pablo and Ramiro Comesaña, whom were members of the MCíes Shipyard management until two months ago. The first one is the developer of the fist megayacht trademark of Galicia, Oassive, and his father, Ramiro, was until no long ago stockholder of said company, but he has sold his share to become part of his son new project. Last summer, the Comesañas launched, in Vigo, the first yacht entirely built and designed in Spain, the Centium. The business avenue open two years ago by the Comesañas, whom at the beginning provoked skepticism in the sector, is now followed by many Galician manufacturers. In fact, the Barreras Management has announced that they plan to enter in the field of leisure shipbuilding industry. Other traditional shipyards such as, Vicalsa or Freire, have also the intention to follow this business avenue.