Gondán is expected to start in fifteen days the ferries for Portugal and to double the staff

The contract amounts to 52.4 million euros
Between the daily succession of negative news about the situation of companies and the impact of the pandemic on the economy at the local and global levels, there are some that breathe a thread of hope as the ones that come from Gondán shipyards, both in its metal section in Figueras (Castropol), and in the fiber section, next to the port of Vegadeo. In this case it is the mega contract that was announced already in the month of October to buid ten ferries for Portugal, for the firm Transtejo Soflusa (company that renders a public service of fluvial transport for the Tagus, integrated in the metropolitan area of Lisbon)for a total amount of EUR 52.4 million. Until now nothing had been done, but from Gondán progress that in about fifteen days work could start, with the expectation that in the labor peaks will double the number of workers, which now is 54 people. The reason for the delay was that one of the companies competing with Gondán, the Portuguese Estaleiros de Peniche, filed an administrative dispute. Allegations had previously been made about the award, which were rejected, but Peniche then resorted to litigation, which in Portugal means the automatic suspension of the award.
Source: La Voz de Asturias