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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


New Rodman patrol boat: the watch boat against smuggling will be like this

The shipyard from Moaña will build the new Spanish Custom’s boat

Rodman Polyships will design and build the new high-waters patrol boat of customs surveillance Rodman 138, for a total amount of 8.2 million Euro and due in 15 months.

With 43 meters of total Length, this new model of patrol boat has been developed by the design, development and engineering Rodman equipment’s, combining services, reliability, construction quality and navigation characteristics.

The boat will be a maritime and customs surveillance vessel, built to perform territorial sea police tasks, adjacent area and international waters.
Rodman 138 has been designed for a crew of 18 people allocated in 8 independent cabins. Furthermore, it includes different rooms and fitting out areas, as a security area. They could stay for long time in high waters with 2,000 miles autonomy will be an advantage from the operational and efficiency point of view. Navigation and latest detection technology equipment will be installed.

Nowadays, Rodman will be building 2 surveillance patrol boats the local Government, Xunta de Galicia, one high-speed patrol boat for the Portuguese GNR and several passengers ships for national and international shipowners, besides continuing to lead Spanish nautical construction, where they will introduce three new models within next season.

(Source: Faro de Vigo)