CaixaBank and Shipyard Barreras, awarded for the financing transaction of the cruise built for Ritz

The Spanish Association of Corporate Finance Officers and Treasurers (ASSET) awards its prize for financial excellence to the building project of the vessel Barreras shipyard is constructing. The award was delivered this morning during a seminar of the association in Madrid. The vessel, whose investment amounts to 248 million euros, will be 190 metres in length and capacity of 298 passengers.
CaixaBank, as Agent Bank and Coordinating Body, has put into effect a global solution that involves three syndicated modalities with the cover of three different policies from CESCE, the Spanish Export Credit Insurance Corporation: a syndicated guarantee line in favour of Hijos de J. Barreras, a syndicated bonding facility in favour of Hijos de J. Barreras, a syndicated facility in favour of a SPV, shipowner of the vessel and in charge of its use for Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection.
Source: Atlántico Diario