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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Barreras ends its deliver to Pemex and expects to build a luxury cruise ship

The “Reforma Pemex” oil tanker for the Mexican company, sails for the last days through Galician waters. It is on testing stage.

This is the last step before the delivery to Grupo PMI, which belongs to the National Mexican Company Pemex. The president of Barreras shipyard, José García Costas, informed yesterday that the vessel will be delivered in July. Sector’s sources say that it will be full employed in Mexico on August.
The Barrera’s president has also announced that there will be a “special and really important communication” in the next days. It seems that with the delivery of the Pemex vessel, the announcement of the construction of a minicruise.