The President of the Government will take part in NAVALIA 2010 Honour Committee

The President of the government, Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, will take part in the Honour Committee in the third edition of the International Exhibition of the naval sector, NVALIA 2010. The Presidency Office had confirmed it last week trough a letter sent to the exhibition organizers. Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero agreed the invitation "as a sample of his support not only to the event but also to the sector". The president of the Government assesses "all efforts made to boost so important sector as the naval and to contribute to improve our country position in the global scene.
For the President of the exhibition, Mr. José Francisco González Viñas, this new reinforce the institutional support to NAVALIA an means the definitive recognition to the event, because it is added to the ones showed by the Council of Vigo and the Regional Economy and Industry Ministry on the hand of the Government of Galicia. "In a moment so delicate for the naval sector it is very important to count on the support of different Public Administrations", explains Viñas. Furthermore, to count on the support of all institutions guarantee an optimum international market positioning.
For the President of the exhibition, Mr. José Francisco González Viñas, this new reinforce the institutional support to NAVALIA an means the definitive recognition to the event, because it is added to the ones showed by the Council of Vigo and the Regional Economy and Industry Ministry on the hand of the Government of Galicia. "In a moment so delicate for the naval sector it is very important to count on the support of different Public Administrations", explains Viñas. Furthermore, to count on the support of all institutions guarantee an optimum international market positioning.