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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Cape Town and Brazil confirm its interest in NAVALIA 2010

We are getting closer to the opening of NAVALIA 2010 and there are a lot of companies that confirm its presence. On this way, during last days, two very interesting countries for the naval Spanish industry as Cape Town and Brazil, have confirmed its presence in Vigo. Cape Town, a country that since 2008 maintain different agreements with Galician naval companies of the sector, will visit Vigo with a delegation of 10 brands interested in obtain new collaboration agreements. Brazil, is a market with an enormous potential for the Galician metallurgical industry, specially for the metal mechanics and the naval. This have been one of the reasons that have boosted Navalia to open in Sao Paolo, with the aim of promote Galician naval sector and protect its interests out of our frontiers. Recently, and delegation of ASIME (which is member of Navalia Executive Committee) had travelled to Brazil to visit all the shipyards from Rio de Janeiro and to meet whit local managers, between them there is Astilleros del Atlantico, which is turning in one of the biggest of the world. Thanks to this meeting some Brazilian states had offered the possibility of give tax rebates to the Galician naval industry for those products they consider strategic.Durante este viaje, Enrique Mallón, gerente adjunto de Asime, explicó que la celebración de las Olimpiadas en Río de Janeiro ofrecerá oportunidades de negocio a las empresas gallegas especializadas en el desarrollo de infraestructuras, como las estructuras metálicas. En la misión también participaron varias empresas viguesas interesadas en la construcción de plataformas petrolíferas y buques de apoyo. El gobernador del estado de Mato Grosso del Sur y varios empresarios brasileños ya visitaron Vigo en mayo de 2008 para conocer las posibilidades de intercambio en materia de formación e intentar cerrar contratos con firmas gallegas.