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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026



The Fishing and Maritime Affairs Office congratulates the organisation for carrying out a project with a great significance for the Galician shipbuilding and fishing sectors On the morning of the 22nd of February, the Fishing and Maritime Affairs Office of the Regional Government of Galicia presided over the fourth meeting and the subsequent lunch in Vigo of Navalia, the International Shipbuilding and Maritime Industry Exhibition, whose second edition will take place between the 20th and the 22nd of May, in Vigo.
Carmen Gallego, who was joined by the executive board almost in its entirety, reasserted her full support of the exhibition, given that Navalia, according to her, “serves as a tool for the promotion of two leading sectors in the Galician community: that of shipbuilding and fishing”.

The president of Navalia, José Francisco González Viñas, for his part, confirmed that the second edition of the exhibition is enjoying great prospects, given that it has grown by 50% in terms of the number of representatives’ stands, and he revealed that, on Monday, the 25th of February, the official presentation of Navalia 2008 is due to take place. In addition, he pointed out that businesses working in this sector have full order books until 2013, and are working to ensure this trend is maintained until 2020.

Carmen Gallego pointed out that initiatives such as this are necessary for the progress and improvement of the industry, and confirmed the participation of her department in Navalia.

The meeting was attended, in addition to the Fishing Councillor, by the president and the director of the exhibition, José Francisco González Viñas and Javier Díaz Arnau, respectively; the president and the director of the Vigo Port Authority, Jesús Paz Arias and Luís Lara Rubido respectively; the president of Aclunaga, Asociación Clúster del Naval Gallego, José Domínguez Álvarez; the president of the Shipbroker Albino Morán, Albino Morán; the president of the Brokers’ Association of Pontevedra, Bonifacio Logares; the president of the Businessmen and Businesswomen Confederation of Pontevedra, José Mª Fernández Alvariño; the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Vigo, José García Costas, the representative of the Consorcio de la Zona Franca, Francisco López Peña; the deputy director of Caixanova, Domingo González Mera, the manager of the Fundación Provigo, Rubén López López, and the regional commercial representative of the ICEX, Javier Tena Garcia, among others.

The first edition of Navalia was attended by more than 200 representatives from 30 countries, over a space of more than 25,000 square metres. In addition, the exhibition was visited by more than 8,000 professionals working in this sector. The current edition expects to receive more than 300 representatives and more than 500 company stands, as well as between 15,000 and 20,000 professional visitors.