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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Presentation to all the naval sector

The past Thursday, 20th of January, took place the society presentation of International Shipbuilding and Maritime Industry Exhibition, NAVALIA 2006. The past Thursday, 20 of January, the birth in society of 1ª took place Fair the International of Naval industry NAVALIA 2006. During the presentation, that took place in the Social Center Caixanova of Vigo, the President of Shipyards Barriers, D. Jose' F. González Vines, made reference at the time of change that at the moment the naval industry in the world lives, where the demand of marine transport grows over the capacities of the different shipyards. ”Navalia wishes to become the point of contact of the industralists of the naval sector and its auxiliary industry, in order that this one between in the production of goods of equipment at world-wide level, as well as to attract productive investment towards the Galician community”. On the other hand, D.Julio Fernandez Gayoso, Chief of a main directorate of Caixanova, justified its union to this project by the strong implication and benefit for other complementary sectors that benefit from the organization of an event of these dimensions. The Exco. Mr. Conselleiro de Marine Pesca and Asuntos, D. Enrique Lopez Veiga, closed the act pleading so that Galicia makes a strong bet by the marine transport. Mentioning White Libro of the Transport, Lopez Veiga ratified the general impression of the assistants, in their ample majority representing of empresariado vigués, when affirming that the saturation of the aerial transport and by highway offers magnificent potentialities and the naval industry. To their side, ratifying the words of conselleiro, were two representatives of the Ministry of Industry. A nourished number of industralists and authorities of the Galician political life were present in the act of presentation in society of Navalia. There they were the President of the Harbor Authority (D. Julio Pedrosa), the President of the Confederation of Industralists (Jose M. F. Alvariño), politicians like Antón Louro (PSOE), Santiago Domínguez (BNG), AlfredoRodríguez (PP), as well as industralists of the sector like the President of Freire Shipyards (Jesus Freire), President of Uniport (Juan Martinez), President of the Association of Consignataries of Pontevedra (Bonifacio Logares). Really, a success of attendance that exceeded the 350 people and whom the putting of NAVALIA length served as accolade, Fair the International of Naval industry, that was celebrated from the 23 to the 25 of May of 2006.