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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Spanish Naval and Ocean Engineers Association and Argentinian Naval Engineering Association sign a professional agreement in Navalia

Both institutions will coordinate efforts in the development of projects and actions of interest to professionals in the maritime sector on both continents.

The Spanish Naval and Oceanic Engineers Association of Spain (AINE), present at the Navalia 2024 edition as manager of the Innovation Zone, and the Argentine Association of Naval Engineering (AAIN), present as exhibitors, celebrated today the professional agreement signature achieved to develop institutional collaboration activities.

Both institutions are united by a community of interests and objectives in the field of development of Naval and Oceanic Engineering through the promotion of their respective associates training. They will promote institutional collaboration for mutual benefit that increases academic and scientific link between them, through the coordination of efforts in achieving their common objectives, and reciprocal cooperation in the development of training, academic and educational projects, and scientists’ actions in those areas considered of common interest.

“This professional agreement is the starting point for future joint actions that will unite professionals from both continents, promote technical-academic cooperation between both institutions, development of training, teaching and research lines,” highlighted Diego Fernández Casado, president of the Spanish Association of Naval and Oceanic Engineers.

Both parties will appoint a Coordinating Commission made up of two members duly authorized representatives of both institutions and which will act as an inter-institutional link that will evaluate results different programs execution, projects and/or activities carried out under the protection of this agreement and future complementary agreements.

“Thank you to the Spanish Association of Naval and Oceanic Engineers, for this agreement signature been possible thanks to the facilitating work of our colleague Juan García de la Vera,” commented Fernando Sánchez Checa.