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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Hempel show-casing innovative fouling defence coating Hempaguard at Navalia

Leading world-wide marine coatings manufacturer Hempel is exhibiting at Navalia International Shipbuilding Exhibition with its award winning coating solution, Hempaguard. Launched in 2013, this ground breaking fouling defence product has now been applied as a full vessel coating to more than 500 ships and this success looks likely to continue.

Since its launch, Hempaguard has shown an outstanding resistance to fouling during idle periods (of up to 120 days) which particularly suits the operating patterns of fishing market. Unlike regular hull coatings that, in general, are specified according to a vessel’s speed and activity level, Hempaguard retains its effectiveness when steaming at slow or regular speeds; and also when alongside in port. This has been a major contributor to its success – alongside proven fuel efficiency levels of up to 6%.

As a testament to Hempaguard’s success and outstanding resistance to fouling during idle periods, back in 2011 - when the coating was still in development - Euronav, one of the global leaders in the shipping of crude oil, agreed to patch test the coating on one of its Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC), Famenne. This ship mainly trades in the fouling aggressive warm waters of Asia and the Middle East but also traverses most of the globe and experiences relatively many idle days. Following a 45-month test period, the test patch was found to be fouling free and, as a result, Euronav has agreed to apply the coating to four more vessels.

Hempaguard is the first product to use Hempel’s patented Actiguard technology that integrates silicone-hydrogel and full diffusion control of biocides in a single coating. So confident is Hempel of its performance that the company offers the industry’s first performance satisfaction guarantee.

Hempaguard is available in two formulations for docking intervals of 36 and 90 months, Hempaguard X5 and Hempaguard X7.

Hempaguard X5 offers sustained fouling defence for up to 36 months for any type of vessel with any trading pattern, as well as for extended idle time.
• Efficient fouling prevention during the entire service interval
• Based on Hempel’s patented Actiguard low-friction fusion technology
• Combines the best from the hydrogel silicone and biocidal antifoulings
• Documented performance and a long track record
• Guaranteed fouling resistance for up to 60 idle days

Hempaguard X7 offers up to 90 months of extremely efficient fouling defence for any type of vessel with any trading pattern, as well as for extended idle time.
• Efficient fouling prevention during the entire service interval
• Based on Hempel’s patented Actiguard low-friction fusion technology
• Combines the best from the hydrogel silicone and biocidal antifoulings
• Documented performance and a long track record
• Guaranteed fouling resistance for up to 120 idle days

In recognition of its value to the market Hempaguard has won two awards, most recently, in late 2015, the IBJ (International Bulk Journal) Innovative Technology Award for the development of the ground-breaking Actiguard technology, and Shipping Efficiency’s prestigious Environmental Technology award in October 2014, for making “a significant contribution to environmental impact reduction or prevention to ships”.

Please come and visit Pinturas Hempel at stand no. C16.