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19th to 21st of May 2026
19th, 20th & 21st
MAY 2026


Navalia begins tomorrow a new promotional period in Finland and Latvia

Navalia 2014

During April it will also participate in Sinaval-Eurofishing exhibition in Bilbao

The international shipbuilding exhibition from Vigo faces the first half of the year with great promotional activity for the Galician naval sector. If two weeks ago they went to South Africa thanks to the trade mission organized by the Chamber of Commerce from Vigo and the Zona Franca Consortium, organizer team travel tomorrow to Finland to meet naval sector's representatives in Helsinki. The Scandinavian country has a highly industrialized economy, based in great forest sources, high levels of capital investment and maximum technological development. Moreover, just in Finland is located the head office of STX Finland Oy, company that manages two shipyards in the country and employs 2.500 people. Furthermore, it belongs to STX Europe, international group property of the South Corean STX Corporation.
On Monday the delegation of Vigo will join the trade mission in Latvia. Baltic states are one of the objectives of this six edition of Navalia, that will be held from the 24th to the 26th of May 2016. The Excutive Committee has issued a goal: to promote our shipyards and auxiliary industry in emergent markets which to reach agreements with, face to new contracts. Latvia economy is based, mainly, in agriculture and textile, iron and steel industries, the last one important for the naval sector. And if in South Africa the objective was to promote shipyards to fishing companies ship owners based mainly in Cape Town, now Navalia wants to favor our know how to the Baltic shipyards to reach collaboration agreements.
To complete this month the exhibition from Vigo will participate from the 21st to 23 April in Sinaval – Eurofishing in Bilbao.